Hey there, since I am rather new, my plugins might not be the best and most clever ones, but I still wanted to share them (a) in case someone might still find it useful and (b) to give this community at least a little bit back for helping me getting into Kanboard! I also did not want to “spam” the forum with many new threads, thus making a single thread for my plugins now:
A plugin similar to TaskIntervalButton, but with an input modal giving the option to quickly add spent time to the task. Even input like “0:45” is accepted.
A plugin, which adds time calculations on certain places in the app (e.g. the board and dashboard).
This plugin adds some new shortcuts and also updated the shortcut help accordingly.
This plugin adds the started date on the task card. I used a play symbol for that. If you like to have this play symbol on other places for the started date as well, check out TagiTaskIcons in addition.
This plugin simply changes the sorting on the dashboard and the “my tasks” view to Due date -> Priority, while keeping tasks without due date on the bottom.
I know, there is the automation system in Kanboard. I just found it too cumberstone to set up or maybe change colors afterwards (which gets really annoying, when you set up many automations already, since you cannot edit them). Therefore I created this little plugin to better fir my personal workflow.
Oh: I did not know how to set up either the plugin.json thing or similar things, which might be some kind of standard here. Also I used simple tags on github for the version, which seem not to create an automatic release. Also I used the KanboardSkeletonPlugin and the README.md template accordingly, yet changed it a bit. So in the end it might all not be 100% as you people are used to it … I am still learning after all. (; … so in the end the installation might be a bit tricky to people not familiar with git. Sorry for that. Maybe some day, if I find some time!
Also: for some plugins some kind of configuration for sure would be great. I have to learn this as well first. But I cannot say when I will find time for it.
hey this is great… a nice neat collection… you need to add them into the directory for users to install directly into their kanboard instances. If you need help with that, add me to the repo.
KanboardSkeletonPlugin was written for people like me who don’t know how to get started… once started, one thing leads to another and eventually some sort of plugin functionality becomes possible. Change it how you wish… I always create a repo from the github web version instead of a release. For this plugin, the live repo is always up to date as I update it as I learn and go along to see if I can add anything generic for other plugins. e.g. the helper code…
Also: for some plugins some kind of configuration for sure would be great.
Look at Glancer or ApplicationBranding to give you an idea of how to set the configurations without creating database tables. For more code, @creecros plugins (the recently updated ones) are a good start.
If you want ideas, I would definitely say use PluginManager… because that shows you when all the published plugins were last updated… that detail alone helps you decide which plugin to inspect and study. In the beginning I wasted a lot of time going through each plugin to learn stuff only to realise it wasn’t updated for x years and most of the code is obsolete. @alfred and @creecros made PluginManager what it is today which is amazing.
This would be great, indeed. I wasn’t motivated enough to do so, hehe. I will try to do it as soon as I can (since I know how great it is to see a plugin before starting to install it etc.).
I also would like to do this, yes. I did not dig into this “making plugins available through the Kanboard gui already” yet, but at some point I will, I guess. Also: yeah, maybe I could add you to the Repo(s). I would not like to steal your time, though, hehe. First I will see how far I might get. Or I will come up with questions at some point.
I always clone your skeleton repo locally, remove the .git and initialized a new git to get a good start. Thanks for this skeleton repo; it’s really handy!
Uhhh, nice for this great tip! I did not think that plugins can have configuration without the need of database tables. Very good to know! I will check out other plugins, for sure, in case I am stuck. Only then the next step to me is: ask here.
I am working on a new feature in PluginManager to show “manual plugins” (plugins without proper releases and just repositories for manual install) so that they are listed in Kanboard and users are aware of them. I will use these plugins as a starting point.
I always clone your skeleton repo locally, remove the .git and initialized a new git to get a good start. Thanks for this skeleton repo; it’s really handy!
no worries, glad it helps but although you remove the .git, keep an eye on the changes as it is a good way to learn certain parts of the code.
I did not think that plugins can have configuration without the need of database tables.
I was exactly the same, until @creecros explained it to me
Also: yeah, maybe I could add you to the Repo(s). I would not like to steal your time, though, hehe.
its cool, not stealing time at all… open source teamwork is always done in spare time anyway.
For me, this sounds like something strange or bad. But nobody should and can be forced to publish his stuff in the official directory. I often develop primarily for my personal use only.
Yeah I try to stick to the semantic versioning logic … but since I am not doing this often (I am a music composer after all and just a hobby dev) I might not be able to always stick to these rules.
I just released a new plugin: TagiAddSpentTime (link in the first post added). With this plugin you can - similar to TaskIntervalButton - quickly add time to the spent time of the task. But this time by entering a time in a modal, which opens. There you even can add something like “0:45”, which gets converted internally to 0.75 then, for example. Also I updated my TagiShortcuts so that you can add spent time even more quickly with the shortcut t when on the task site. Have fun with it!
But nobody should and can be forced to publish his stuff in the official directory.
nobody will be. This is just a feature of the pluginmanager. It will probably make more sense once I have got a screenshot.
a bit of a description I put in the readme:
- NEW: Manual Plugins Page
- Show a list of plugins which can be manually downloaded and installed
- Manual Plugins are part or completely functional but not suitable for general Kanboard installation
- These plugins only show in PluginManager
can you please make sure your repository names match the plugin name exactly. That would be the first start to make a kanboard-installable plugin. Only the repo maintainer/author can do that (change the repository name).
Also, I am ready to list your collection in the extensions directory (which will show in the next release of PluginManager) so that they are offered to users from within Kanboard. Are you okay with that? Once your plugin is ready for autmatic install, one simple change and the plugin will show up for all users with or without the PluginManager.
Agreed, I always zip the folder to create the file so I make sure the repository name is identical to the folder name. Saves mistakes later down the line.
Besides that I first have to dig into on how to do configuration sutff: which plugin did you mean?
I installed your plugin once and I found it nice! Still I wanted to have the sorting on the Dashboard and also I wanted to have two sortings. 1. Sort by due date ASC, while keeping tasks without any due date at the bottom and 2. sort by priority DESC.
I might rename them all. The idea behind the “kanboard-” naming was for me to have a better overview about what of my repos is for what purpose etc. I think I might rename the repo and the plugins names to “TagiKP…” then. This way it can be consistent, I guess.
Sure. Thank you! (=
I am going to reply here and also edit my initial post as soon as I renamed the repos and the plugins! And sorry for the late reply, people! Yesterday was quite a full day for me.
Ok, I finally managed to rename all repos and plugins. Unfortunately the initial post here cannot be changed as it seems …!? But luckily github is clever enough and redirects automatically.