Recommend Plugins


I’m building a kanboard for my company and I wanted to know what plugins you recommend.

Best regards

Rather than a recommendation, here is my list:

  • Calendar
  • Essential
  • Gantt
  • HighlightCodeSyntax
  • MarkdownPlus
  • StarredProjects
  • Task2pdf
  • Wiki
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My Plutins:

Nearby all plugins have completely insufficient description on Kanboard Plugins overview page and also on GithHub pages

:ok_hand: Work fine


Allows multiple assignees and so this plugin is very useful to configure a useful notification management in bigger projects


(Improved Markdown, with check boxes, emoji shortcode, inline html, etc…)

Paste image to markdown_ 1.0.3

(Allows to paste images directly into markdown enabled textfields (task descriptions, comments, etc) - requires markdownplus)
Makes attaching screenshots much more comfortable


(Plugin is used to invite new users to actual Project by typing user’s email. Input for invitation is located in Project)


(Creates a a printer friendly PDF from current Task, also allows to create a PDFof all open Tasks)


(“Wiki” for project documentation - common text area)

:grey_question: Questions open


(Embedded calendar into Kanboard)
Description is misleading. That’s not a real Calendar app, but only a tool to show Gantt Charts in Calendar view.

Self Registration Plugin Registration v1.0.8

( allows people to sign up to Kanboard)
Owner / Moderator does not get a notification that new user self registration needs confirmation)


Seems to work unreliably for me. Progress bar mostly not shown?

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Good to know people still use my plugins, and that they are found useful.

Personally believe one of the most useful ones for me was:

Specifically, the ability to email impending due dates for tasks.

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We use Kanboard for Softwaredevelopment & Bug- + Featuretracking

These are our installed plugins:


Hello, thank you for your list.

Have this list changed or do you still use the same plugins?

It has changed, of course.


  • Gantt
  • Task2pdf


  • Mailmagik
  • PasteImageToMarkdown
  • Taglist
  • TagManager


  • I replaced Wiki by a self maintained version.
  • Several own developed but unpublished plugins.
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Hopefully, you will publish wiki-replacement plugin.

Maybe one day, but rather not, since I develop primarily for myself.

As you dropped released Wiki plugin, I believe that’s the reason behind it.

Does it give issues with the latest release?

Yes, there are many. And I don’t like wow things are done there. And it’s not (well-)maintained at all.

Enter ‘wiki’ in the search function brings up tons of issues and rants.

So from public plugins, your list looks like this:

  • Calendar
  • Essential
  • HighlightCodeSyntax
  • MarkdownPlus
  • StarredProjects
  • Mailmagik
  • Paste Image to Markdown
  • Taglist
  • Tagmanager

Just so you know, TagManager includes the TagList feature of the plugin.

So no need to install Taglist separately, right?

By the way, what public plugins combo do you use?

if you install tagmanager, you dont need taglist

I didnt understand what you mean?

Can you share a list of plugins you use from
Kanboard Plugins ?

I only use and refer to plugins within the Kanboard Extensions Directory inside Kanboard, not the web page you have mentioned, as the directory is more accurate and updated (if you have already installed or using Kanboard)

I have 38 plugins installed, let me figure a way to copy a list and I will share later

Thanks for the hint, good to know. But I’ve planned to remove TagManager as soon I got time to resolve my overall tag mess. :grin: