Create tasks / comments by email

It’s the Kanboard server. I apologise for my intervention. :wink:

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hehe cool… so Im just confused, there is no way to do it without php-imap? can it not work within the kanboard mailing functionality… confused on that part

No. You need a library or framework to deal with the IMAP protocol.
Kanboard can only send mails via SMTP. Or PHP mail, sendmail.

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you should fix the errors and add it in the directory… its just sitting there and nobody ever knew about it… such a big feature being able to send emails directly to a task

Because it’s far away from finished. IMHO it’s a nice approach, but I won’t use it.

I would… just create a few lines and send the email to a dedicated email address… then that gets created into a task… fantastic! it saves, waiting to create tasks on the desktop… as kanboard mobile is non-existent

Exactly this in NOT the case! It doesn’t create tasks nor comments as requested be the OP.

so then what does it do… im confused again lol

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Which built in incoming mailer server are you referring to? Not aware of one.

i meant through the mail send functions controllers etc

exactly. i shared it because it “related”. i never finished it :slight_smile:

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you just answered your own question. “mail send” not recieve.

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it checks an imap server for emails and deals with them.

So basically you got access through an interface to the imap mailbox of your sent emails. Then you can load the email into the task?

to better explain.

You have an issue, per Original Poster. They want to “Create tasks / comments by email”

in order to do that you need to “Recieve an Email” somewhere, and then perform an action.

There are different approaches, but if you want to handle it all contained within Kanboard, you need PHP-IMAP, or some library. Otherwise, you have to outsource, with something like Zapier that could recieve emails and then send API calls, or MailGun, something.

Consider this, your bare bones package to receive those emails. Now, what you do with those emails and how, is up to you.


but it would be a very simple addition. very simple at this point.

So why not add it so at least its functioning as a plugin

im lazy? i got shit to do? i don’t know, i wrote it like 2 years ago, i never needed it. so i abandoned it. I’m out of a job in June, let me get that taken care of first, feeding my family. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I see. Add just some buttons like “Convert to task” or “Convert to comment”.

exactly, and you already have the subject line, sender, body message, file attachments, etc…all you need to do is send that info to the appropriate controller to make a task or comment. done.

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