Kanboard VS Competitors

I wonder if you tried Kanboard’s other competitors, and why do you still come back to Kanboard?

These are frequently mentioned competitors:

Wekan, Vikunja, Leantime, Taiga, Planka, Nextcloud Deck, Focalboard, Teamhood, Kanri, Restyaboard, YouTrack, Cryptpad, OpenProject, Super Productivity.

  • Lean and mean, simplicity is king.
  • Easy to host and maintain
  • Easy to extend

Finally, because it’s free and fully open source.


Hello, the alternatives I listed above are all open sources and some of them are simple too.

I am not sure how easy Kanboard to maintain, I read on Reddit that Kanboard and extensions break after updates.

Played with most of those in the past. Preferred kanbaord for its simplicity, openess, and lighter weight. And as alfred pointed out, much easier to host.


I’am in IT project management business for > 19 / 20 years. I know most of the tools you mention. Some of them have a different / greater focus, some are in the same pool.

It’s not about competition here. And we are talking about a Kanban Tool. Not an all is inclusive PM Tool…

What i like about Kanboard:

  • Simple to Install, no Frameworks needed
  • Therefore also easy to admin (try to install Wekan without a VM or Docker Package maybe on
  • Easy to extend
  • Small footprint
  • Stable


  • old fashioned interface (should be improved)
  • Mobile Device Support… could be better

But hey… get your tool which serves you needs best. There is never ever a “one tool fits all needs for all persons or situations”. It depends. As always. Not only in IT or PM business…

Cheers, Fx


Is Docker harder to maintain?

Maybe not, but it’s something I don’t want.

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I would say docker is the easiest to maintain, but ive never done it any other way.

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No it’s not. I think it is easier. But you need experience with Docker…

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This is a bit of an aside, but I want nothing to do with Docker and their quasi-corporate, ever-changing structure and pricing, not to mention the daemon that’s always running, the security issues you take on if you want non-root users to be able to run it, the weird stuff it does on your behalf to your networking setup, and the cruft (images) it leaves on your computer. Podman’s OK, if it works for the app you’re trying to use.

kanboard is so simple to host you don’t need any of that stuff. I’ve been using it for ten odd years now across several organizations and for personal projects, and have never had a problem with extensions or upgrades. I self-host a bunch of stuff and it’s one of the easiest on that score.

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Thanks for the insights.

Any ETA on Kanboard offline app?

Some of the open source apps I listed above have either offline app or support caldav protocol offline app.

What do you mean with the term “offline app”?

Cheers, Fx

App that can work offline, but sync data when it’s back online.

Ah, ok. Some Kind of client app (mobile oder desktop) with offline sync function(s).

I think that is not on the roadmap. But to be honest: i really don’t know.

Cheers, Fx

So you mean that Kanboard is the kind of all open source project management tools and after researching, I think now I agree.

But have you tried all the abovementioned tools?

I think nobody has tried ALL the mentioned tools. But some of them I really have, and I always came back to Kanboard.

same, either the screenshots of the interface put me off or the lack of flexibility to adjust to my use case.

I felt lost when Kanboard went into ‘maintenance mode’ but thankfully, we have all collectively changed that including the maintainer, so releases are coming out steadily and more plugins are being developed for more practical use cases.


Why would I do that? Kanboard works fine for my purposes.


Well, I tried some of the above, and I’d add Redmine (at least the Base for OpenProject). I work in an pretty confined Environment. Ease of Setup and Support for pure Windows env. with IIS is a go. Setup and run is a blizz, ticks all the Interfaces I need (RSS, Mail, LDAP(S) Web, no Client neccessary etc.

Docker is not favored with our Infrastructure guys. They are just getting to setup an Infrastructure to run that on en enterprise Level on Premises with all the caveats mentioned above. As well, I think it might be strategically the better solution… but Container-knowledge is sparse on these premises.

My Clients looked for a Kan Ban capable Solution. We suggested an Enterprise grade Solution and a timeline that didn’t help the hurt in some projects so we rigged up Kanboard as an intermediate until Jira or alike can take over thee tasks.

Rock solid (if you test the plugins and leave the buggy ones out) easy to Backup and restore… love it.



Can you please share the list of plugins you found useful here?